Corporate Sustainability at Subsidiaries


Our subsidiaries which we presented in our 2019 Corporate Sustainability Report are Doğuş Oto, Doğuş Teknoloji, Škoda-Yüce Auto and vdf. The detailed environmental and social performances of our subsidiaries can be found in the related parts of our Sustainability Reports.

Doğuş Oto offers new and used vehicle, spare part and accessory sales and aftersales services for its customers in Istanbul, Ankara and Bursa as well as insurance and financing services for the six brands represented. Providing sales and aftersales services for Volkswagen Passenger Cars, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Audi, Porsche, SEAT and ŠKODA brands, Doğuş Oto, at the same time, sells used vehicles as a DOD Authorized Reseller. Doğuş Oto operates with a total of 33 Authorized Dealers and 36 Aftersales Service points in seven regions of Turkey with more than 1,400 employees, maintaining a leading position in the sector with its strength and stability. Doğuş Oto’s mission is to offer highest quality sales and aftersales services for the passenger car and commercial vehicle brands represented in its defined territories.

Energy Efficiency

Having an energy efficiency study conducted by an authorized company, the main areas which would ensure energy efficiency were determined at Doğuş Oto. Within the scope of the areas specified in this study, mechanical ballasted luminaires used in the outdoor lighting of the facilities are located and they were appropriately changed when required. By measuring the combustion efficiency of the heating boilers, they were set to operate at degrees concordant to the outdoor temperature. Maintenance intervals of air conditioning stations have been increased due to the high risk in the pandemic period, and their efficiency has been amplified. Monthly electricity and natural gas consumptions in the seven regions where Doğuş Oto facilities operate are monitored and if seasonal changes are observed in year-overyear comparisons, their reasons are investigated, and necessary measures are taken.

Ensuring efficiency in the use of energy and energy resources has become an imperative for the sustainability of the socio-economic structure based on industrial production. This imperative is manifested by the concerns that arise with the rapid consumption of resources and the increasing importance of costs, especially the global climate change problems caused by environmental impacts and carbon emissions. Efficient use of energy, which is one of the most important inputs in today’s industrial production, which can create particularly difficult and limited added value, will reduce costs of doing businesses and will contribute to the formation of surplus value that, in return, contributes to its development and increase in competitiveness.

Legislative regulations have been put in force in our country, as well as the world, regarding the efficient use of energy. For this purpose, within the framework of the Energy Efficiency Law No. 5627, which came into force in our country, and the related legislative regulations, energy manager assignments have been made and studies in energy, heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, mechanical and electrical installations are carried out in all locations affiliated with Doğuş Oto. Action plans are created within the framework of conducting efforts to save money by taking the reports prepared as a reference.

Improvements have been made and continue to be made in the process, starting with those who consume significantly more energy in Doğuş Oto. Concordant with the studies carried out in 2020, 3% savings were achieved in electricity usage compared to the previous year. To assess the effectiveness of the studies carried out, measurements are made in seven regions served by Doğuş Oto according to fuel types, consumption is monitored, recorded and analyzed periodically.

As part of efforts to circumvent energy losses and leakage, all electrically operated devices and systems are regularly maintained, and unnecessary power loss is avoided. Many of the high-energy consuming lighting fixtures are being replaced with low consumption LED fixtures. Furthermore, motion sensors (with photocell) have been installed in areas that need to be illuminated only during use, resulting in energy savings.

Mechanical ballasts of the lighting fixtures are converted to electronic ballasts to contribute to energy efficiency. Natural gas boilers are checked by a private energy efficiency firm, that also measures the condition of boiler chimneys to prevent unnecessary natural gas consumption. Using electric heaters instead of keeping the boilers up and running in the summer months only for hot water helps to save up to 2% on natural gas in the May-June period. Compensation panels are checked weekly, preventing us from receiving active and reactive fines.

Automation software system and technical equipment used at the Doğuş Oto facilities have been revised to ensure comfort, resulting in less natural gas consumption in winter and less electricity consumption in summer. Additional turbo/sectional doors have been installed in some service center entrances to cover the openings in the service areas exposed to elements in order to save on heating and cooling costs. Unnecessary energy losses are prevented by periodic maintenance of air-conditioning plants and split air conditioners used in heating (air conditioning and ventilation system) with boilers and burners used in heating and cooling. Products with low energy consumption and air conditioners using R-410A gas, which is defined as an environmental gas, are definitely preferred in split air conditioner purchases. All roof membranes are maintained and their insulation is increased in the summer months.

All heating and cooling circuits are checked at least once a year for the condition of insulation to prevent heat loss, and they are fixed where necessary. In addition to the practices carried out in order to increase efficiency cited above, application of ISO EN 50001- Energy Management System, to increase the efficiency of automation systems with the industry 4.0 approach and establishment of solar electricity and solar thermal systems based on renewable resources, in order to ensure more effective and institutional execution of the mentioned works, are among the topics to be addressed under the heading of energy at Doğuş Oto operations.

Green IT

Devices used for data processing in Doğuş Oto facilities are recorded and their economic service life is monitored. End-of-life computers are replaced with new, less energy consuming models. Servers, switches, drivers and similar systems are checked, updated and replaced by Doğuş Teknoloji. Decommissioned IT products are sent to recycling.


Periodic route optimizations are performed at Doğuş Oto by grouping personnel shuttles in order to reduce the emissions from fuel consumption by decreasing the number of vehicles in traffic. Older vehicles are taken out of service and transportation is supported with low emission vehicles.

Roof insulations of the buildings are continually enhanced. Energy-efficient heating, cooling and kitchen appliances are procured. Trees are planted in the unused land of the facilities. For recoverable waste, we work with authorized companies and municipalities and deliver such materials for recycling and recovery

Waste Management

Doğuş Oto has an Industrial Waste Management Plan in place. employed an officer in charge of waste management in 2017. Plans were created for waste fluorescent bulbs, lubricants, filters, antifreeze fluids, contaminated waste, contaminated packaging, spray cans, brake fluid, waste thinner solution, batteries, rubber, catalysts, diesel, gasoline, plastics, metals and glass. The company also has a water treatment and an oil retainer system. Reducing waste is generally not possible on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles since the waste (other than contaminated waste) mostly results from the replacement of parts in the maintenance of them. The importance of reducing contaminated waste has been communicated across maintenance staff and necessary trainings are planned. Trainings are carried out under the supervision of service engineers. The amount of waste has been reduced to the lowest possible level. Environmental consultancy and Hazardous Goods Safety consultancy services have started to be received. In 2020, an Engine Oil Change Permit was obtained at Doğuş Oto.

Employee Health and Safety

The values followed by Doğuş Oto to create a safe, healthy and happy working environment for its employees are as follows:

  • Creating a safer and healthier work environment and adopting the minimization of work accidents and occupational diseases as a priority business goal,
  • Complying with and applying legislation on occupational health and safety,
  • Ensuring the health and safety of all employees of the Company and subcontractors and all visitors,
  • Training all employees and subcontractors and raising awareness about creating and developing health and safety practices,
  • Choosing and implementing practices in all fields of operation in accordance with occupational health and safety standards and carrying out activities in this direction,
  • Bringing risks down to acceptable levels by evaluating the results of workplace risk analyses,
  • Investigating work accidents and developing permanent solutions by identifying root causes,
  • Keeping emergency teams up-to-date and monitoring their training,
  • Carrying out periodic health screenings,
  • Providing protective and preventive physician services.

In 2020, 56 occupational accidents occurred and consequently preventive trainings related to incidents were held. During the year, sets of new personal protective equipment were started to be used, business processes were revised and new safety systems were introduced. Furthermore, environmental measurements were conducted and continuous monitoring and control systems were implemented. Additionally, all legal data related to occupational health and safety began to be managed with an online program, facilitating follow-up of issues concerning occupational safety and health of all employees. By means of the program, following events such as polyclinics visit frequencies, number of occupational accidents, OHS trainings, etc. has become significantly easy. In addition, instant flow of necessary data is submitted to the TR Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services through the İBYS (Occupational Health and Safety Information Management System).

Employee Training Programs

Aiming to meet the training/personal development needs that arise within the framework of the Company’s vision and strategy, new and existing employees on all levels receive trainings according to their areas of improvement. Some of these trainings are compulsory for all employees while some are offered as optional. The main topics of trainings offered throughout the year are: Orientation training, Occupational Health and Safety Trainings, supplementary development programs, skill development trainings, professional development trainings, leadership development programs, expertise development programs and personal development trainings. Due to the pandemic in 2020, most of the trainings, especially compulsory trainings, have to be postponed. In 2020, including compulsory trainings, 806 employees received 5.523 hours (6.85 man/hour) of training, and a total of 124 employees received 196.5 hours (1.58 man/hour) of training within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety training. Compared to the previous year, the number of employees who received training decreased by 43%, and the total training hours by 77%. In the future, the necessary infrastructure is under being prepared for trainings to be given online.



Doğuş Teknoloji was established in 2012 to enlighten its customers’ path with the excitement of creating value in the world of technology. While continuing on its way as an R&D center since 2017, it continues to be one of the companies that value the people, pursue new technologies with passion, and an entity that puts its stamp to the firsts in the IT sector with its agile and reliable working culture. Applying the latest IT technologies to develop and support technological projects, Doğuş Teknoloji is a 46 % Doğuş Otomotiv affiliate.

Quality Standards

Doğuş Teknoloji aims to establish and operate an “integrated management system” in international standards to assure the quality, security and continuity of its services and products. For this purpose, the Company carries out its operation by taking the following standards as its reference:
• ISO27001: 2017 Information Security Management System
• ISO20000: 2011 IT Service Management System
• ISO22301: 2012 Business Continuity Management System

Ethics and Combat Against Corruption

Company’s policies and regulations that define corruption and other unethical practices as well as penalties and sanctions are announced to all employees. Company contracts also contain provisions and sections regarding cases that are considered corruption. Budgets and invoices are checked regularly as part of financial controls. In addition, controls and rules are in place to detect, follow up and take precautions against incidents that breach security. Actualized implementations are continuously monitored.

Doğuş Teknoloji acts in accordance with the Doğuş Otomotiv Code of Ethics. All employees are granted equal rights. In 2020, 54 employees participated in the Information Security Training over Do Akademi. In addition, 27 interns were provided with Information Security Virtual Classroom Training

Environmental Practices in IT

Doğuş Teknoloji builds a pool of virtual servers and provides shared infrastructure services, creating cost advantages for its affiliated companies. As of January 2021, the number of virtual servers at Doğuş Teknoloji is 2172, with 7604 CPUs and approximately 26,39 TB memory. All this infrastructure and the virtual servers of some affiliates run on 113 physical servers. If a similar infrastructure had been met by physical servers, the costs of purchasing, hosting, cabling, energy and cooling would have been incomparably higher.

Confidentiality of Customer Data

In Doğuş Teknoloji, personal data of customers are processed by taking into account technical and administrative measures under the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698. Personal data are processed for a limited time, suitable for their purposes, and are anonymized after the purpose and duration of the processing have expired. Within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No.6698, risk analysis, audit, administrative and technical compliance processes are carried out for personal data and sensitive personal data.

Doğuş Teknoloji applies rules and regulations regarding the privacy, integrity and accessibility of customer data through policies and procedures within the scope of ISO 27001 Information Security Management System, systematically managing the risks for information assets and minimizing them down to acceptable levels with controls. The current situation is assessed through internal security audits conducted at certain intervals, and corrective and remedial actions are taken and followed through. In addition, risk scenarios regarding the removal, theft or loss of top secret classified confidential customer data outside the Company are studied. Physical measures are taken at the system layers, and they are checked periodically.

Customer Satisfaction

Carried out by an independent company, Customer Satisfaction Survey is given to all customers whom are serviced by Doğuş Group internally as well as externally, and the result statistics are reported in a graphical format. All teams take actions within the company towards increasing customer satisfaction rate received from the survey results. The results obtained from the customer satisfaction surveys for the year 2020 increased by 15 points compared to the previous year and reached the level of 78%. Actions taken are monitored by the board of directors as well. Furthermore, customer feedbacks obtained by the parties responsible for customer relations within the Company, and the satisfaction comments communicated by the customers via the request management system are evaluated at management overview meetings as well as in meetings with clients.

Employee Health and Safety (OHS)

The company employs dedicated staff (physician, nurse, OGH specialist) for occupational health and safety. While the physician and the OHS specialists, come from the Joint Health and Safety firm we partner with, one doctor and two nurses provide their services to Doğuş Teknoloji under the Joint Health and Safety Unit. The OHS Committee consists of seven members including a physician, an OHS Specialist, one employer representative, one employee representative, one human resources officer, one administrative affairs representative and one building maintenance specialist. The ratio of the employees in this committee to the total number of employees is 2 %. These individuals are responsible for monitoring and taking corrective-preventive actions.

The Occupational Health and Safety Committee convenes in every three months. Also, an OHS meeting is held at the D-Ofis Maslak building with the participation of all group companies. The ideas proposed during these meetings for safer working conditions for employees are evaluated and viable suggestions are implemented. Occupational health and safety risks are identified by obtaining the opinions of employees. OHS trainings (emergency, first aid, fire, civil defense, evacuation, etc.) are provided for all employees and relevant teams. In 2020, 76 employees participated in a total of 526 hours of training. OHS rules are regulated by the Administrative Affairs Department. By 2021, regulations regarding OHS will be managed by D-Ofis Administrative Affairs Unit under the body of Doğuş Holding.

Employee Satisfaction

An employee satisfaction survey is conducted at our company every two years. The results of the Employee Loyalty Survey conducted in 2017 were shared with senior management, managers and employees, and the results were analyzed in depth with focus groups consisting of employees. The teams prepared action plans based on both the focus group feedbacks and the survey results, and 2018 has been the year of implementation of the Employee Loyalty Survey actions. In 2020, GPTW (Great Place to Work) preparatory survey was conducted with internal resources to measure employee satisfaction. General results have been shared with the senior management. Team-based results will be shared with individual teams in 2021. Work will be done to determine the general goals of the company and to plan the action of the teams. Overall GPTW preparatory survey score is 75.

Employee Training Programs

In 2020, various trainings were delivered in different fields to improve the employees in terms of both their professional experience and personal development. During the year 112 training programs were held, corresponding to 2,6 man/hours. The Company partners with Bahçeşehir University and Sabancı University to enable our employees to benefit from Master’s and PhD graduate programs at discounted prices. Employees are also provided with English language support. They can benefit from the program by enrolling in courses of partnering institutions or other training centers of their choice. Financial support for PhD studies is provided in the rate determined by the senior management. Employees attending PhD programs are allowed one day, and those attending Master’s programs are allowed half a day per week. Employees are also welcomed to organize presentations, conferences and trainings related to their fields of expertise at universities.

Performance Appraisal

Once a year, performance appraisals are conducted for employees who have completed their three months tenure at the Company. In the performance appraisal system, there are three periods titled Target Identification, Target Revision and Performance Evaluation, which are carried out at quarterly intervals throughout the year. Appraisals are based on personal target cards, which include 80% business targets and 20% 360-degree skill assessments. There are three separate sections within business objectives: Common Company Goals, Team Goals and Individual Goals. Units determine Team Goals and Individual Goals themselves, and the senior management holds meetings to identify the common goals that should be adopted by all units before the period begins. The decisions taken in those meetings are notified to department heads by the Human Resources Department. Performance appraisal system results are used in career management, personal development and determining wage increases. Human Resources Committee, which includes all group managers, deputy general managers and general manager, makes the promotion decisions. Technical and competency-based trainings for employees to develop their careers are determined together with the managers.

Volunteering by Employees

Employees are welcomed to voluntarily lead social clubs and organize activities. Due to the pandemic in 2020, our clubs could not organize any activities in the context of employee volunteering.

Mother-Infant Policy and Equality at Work

In addition to maternity/paternity leaves and nursing leave in compliance with labour laws, the Company also provides a nursing room. Pregnant employees are not allowed to work for more than 7.5 hours per day.

Community Engagement Activities

Doğuş Teknoloji is running a project to promote the employment of individuals with autism in the IT industry. This program is carried out in coordination with Autism Associations Federation (ODFED). In addition, consultancy is rendered from companies that conduct such studies overseas. Competencies such as having an excellent command of details and executing routine tasks faultlessly, which are some of the key characteristics of individuals in autism syndrome, are an advantage in IT projects. An individual with autism was included in the permanent staff and continuing to work within the scope of a pilot project in 2018. The next plan is to spread this practice further in order to employ more persons with autism.


Founded in 1989 to operate as the Turkish distributor of Škoda, and as a subsidiary of Doğuş Otomotiv, YÜCE AUTO offers sales, aftersales and spare parts services for FABIA, OCTAVIA, KAROQ, KODIAQ and SUPERB models with 45 Authorized Dealers and six Authorized Service Centers across Turkey. The main building of Yüce Auto, which has sold over 220,000 vehicles since its very first day, is built on total 2,200 m² of land in Maltepe, Istanbul.

Škoda joined the Volkswagen Group in 1991 and increased the number of countries of operation to 100 by 2007. Škoda’s manufacturing sites are located in the Czech Republic, India, China, Slovakia and Russia while all cars sold in Turkey are imported from the Czech Republic. Yüce Auto Motorlu Araçlar Ticaret A.Ş. is a 50 % Doğuş Otomotiv affiliate.

Business Ethics

The Company has an ethical principles procedure in place. Additionally, all activities are carried out in accordance with the Doğuş Otomotiv Code of Ethics. The entire audit mechanism is regularly reviewed in compliance with laws and regulations related to corruption and conflict of interest. Processes of the Company are audited by Doğuş Otomotiv every year for compliance.

Environmental Efficiency

The Company uses LED luminaires, washbasin lighting with motion sensors and outdoor lighting fixtures with timers to reduce environment impacting consumption. Our employees are informed to reduce electricity and water consumption when it is not necessary to be used, and awareness is tried to be raised among them on the subject. We have placed recycling bins for paper, plastics and battery waste in areas within the company. Waste papers are collected regularly and sent to Ayhan Şahenk Foundation. We work with DEHA, a biodiesel company for the disposal of lubricant waste.

Customer Satisfaction

In accordance with the Company’s quality policy, applicable laws and regulations are observed diligently, and customer complaints and problems are addressed to ensure that customer rights are respected pursuant to Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection. In the event that a replacement vehicle is required during when the actual vehicle is in the warranty period and if the replacement vehicle is required during when the actual vehicle is being repaired, the relevant service is provided by us free of charge for the vehicle owners; furthermore, customers who do not prefer temporary vehicles are offered free travel and accommodation opportunities. Customer satisfaction surveys are regularly conducted to keep our customers’ satisfaction at the highest level. Furthermore, IACS customer satisfaction calls and IPSOS customer satisfaction surveys are conducted on behalf of the Company at certain intervals. The road assistance requests, complaints, demands and wishes of the customers are met by the Value and Interest Centre (DIM), which also resolves the complaints and meets the requests received.


Every year, various trainings on specific areas are provided to ensure the development of our employees. In 2020 our employees were given 281 man/day trainings in 27 different topics. For the health and safety of employees, the Company has an Occupational Health and Safety Committee in place. All legally required practices are performed under the responsibility of the Committee. The Committee consists of eight members. Seven of these members are Company employees and one is a non-affiliated member. The ratio of our employees who serve on the committee to the total population is 10%. The employees are offered health and life insurance.


Volkswagen Doğuş Finansman A.Ş. (vdf) was founded in 1999 as a joint venture of Volkswagen Financial Services A.G. (51%) and Doğuş Group (49%). Operating with the mission of “Developing and offering solutions to meet the financial needs of all the players within the automotive value chain,” vdf is Turkey's leading automotive financing company.

Governance and Ethics

The Company takes all necessary measures against corruption and conflicts of interest. It operates in accordance with the provisions of related legislation, particularly Law No. 6361 on Financial Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies, Regulation on the Establishment and Operation Principles of Financial Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies and Law No. 6502 on Consumer Protection. Besides complying with relevant laws and regulations, the Company also adheres to the ethical codes of Volkswagen AG and Doğuş Otomotiv fully. The anti-corruption procedures and process controls constitute the first step of the measures taken. In the next stage, audits are conducted by the internal audit team. The outputs of audit reports and other inspections always include corrective/remedial measures.

Ethical principles are reminded to employees both through periodic classroom trainings and online e-learning sessions. All employees are enrolled in online compliance training, including ethical principles and anti-corruption issues, and their attendance is monitored. The training of all permanent employees has been so far completed. In addition to trainings, with information given and announcements made periodically, knowledge of the employees on the subject is reinforced.

Environmental Efficiency

Aiming to raise awareness about saving energy and water among the employees, updates are regularly announced with the slogan “the people of vdf use their resources efficiently”. In the selection of diesel vehicles for the Company, vehicles with the “AdBlue” feature are preferred while regular maintenance and inspections are carried out for all others. In addition, personnel shuttle routes are regularly updated every year to minimize emissions as much as possible. There are collection bins for waste paper, battery waste and packaging waste in certain locations in each department. Waste paper, battery waste and other wastes are regularly collected and recycled. Our waste papers are collected once a week and delivered to recycling facilities.

Customer Satisfaction

Various customer-related activities in different channels within the Company are carried out to ensure that they are accurately informed, their information is protected and data privacy is guaranteed and to make sure that they benefit from our services in the best possible way. Brochures placed in the showroom and social media posts, as well as product descriptions on the website and in our mobile applications are presented in a clear and easy-to understand format. Information forms about products and services, and policies are prepared in a detailed and descriptive manner. Any issues that make it difficult for the customer to understand are immediately revised. Customer data is not shared with third parties other than the customer and the authorized institutions and the security of such information is ensured within the scope of security software and procedures by IT. Documents such as loan utilization agreement, payment plans and notice form prior to loan utilization are signed by the customers and originals are delivered to us. Such documents are kept in locked cabinets, reviewed in a short time while copies are stored in the system and the originals are sent to the archiving company. There are people in charge of processes and all transactions are carried out under constant supervision.

Employee Health and Safety

For the health and safety of employees working at vdf, there is an OHS Specialist whose services are procured within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), and a Workplace Physician. The Emergency Team is composed of 37 people who completed taking necessary trainings from the authorized institutions, and constitutes approximately 10% of the total number of employees. All employees are trained in employee health and safety. OSH Specialist and Workplace Physician gave eight man/hours of training. In addition, the private health insurance plan offered to employees is quite comprehensive and designed to cover a wide range of health problems and demands of employees during the year.

Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is a top priority for the Company. The benefits that we offer to our employees include private health insurance, private life insurance, bonuses, graduate scholarships, foreign language support, earning leave as of entry as of the day of entry, birthday leave, birthday gift, education catalogue and task-based technical trainings.

The vdfLife – human resources sharing platform – is at the forefront of our practices aimed at ensuring employee satisfaction and increasing loyalty. Through this platform, our employees can access all kinds of information they need.

On the other hand, within the scope of vdf Employee Support Programs, in addition to the graduate, foreign language learning support that employees need, SMMM, project management, business analyst, etc. technical training support is also provided. Furthermore, we offer a long-term internship program called the ‘vdf Champs’.

vdf takes part in the “Stimmungsbarometer” (Idea Barometer) survey conducted by Volkswagen FS AG among all Volkswagen companies to measure employee satisfaction and the Great Place to Work rankings in turns. Meetings are held with various departments to evaluate the results of the Idea Barometer, and satisfaction areas/expectations/ proposals are discussed. An internal customer satisfaction survey is conducted to increase the operational efficiency of the company and the outputs are shared with relevant departments and all Company employees. The vdf Employee Assembly (vdf Echo), established in 2016, continued to function in 2019 and organized a number of events. However, the vdf ce suggestion system, which previously produced many results and led to radical changes, was unable to function efficiently for various reasons in 2018 and has been added to the 2019 Human Resources projects to regain its former function. Within the scope of the HR projects carried out in 2019, the Söz Uçar Yazı Kalır platform (spoken words fly away, written are the words that stay) was created and employees were provided to convey their requests, suggestions and complaints to HR in this way. In addition, Value Ambassadors team, created to internalize company values, organizes events taking into account the demands and expectations of the employees.

Equality at Work

The topic of supporting women in professional life and creating equal opportunities within the scope of Equality at Work Platform, a project of the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policies and supported by Doğuş Group, is followed by vdf Human Resources and Senior Management. Along with all the other Doğuş Group companies, vdf also takes the “Equality at Work Follow-up Survey”. At present, there is a balance established between the number of male and female employees at every level within the Company.
