Scania distributorship agreements

Volkswagen and Audi distributorship agreement
Distributorship contract with Volkswagen AG
Scania distributorship agreements
Volkswagen and Audi distributorship agreement
Distributorship contract with Volkswagen AG
Scania Industrial and Marine Engines distributorship contract signed
Porsche distributorship agreement
SEAT distributorship agreement and partnership with Yüce Auto
Skoda distributorship agreement and partnership with Yüce Auto
Joint venture on consumer financing with Volkswagen Financial Service AG
Used car operations established
Krone distributorship agreement.
Initial Public Offering of Doğuş Otomotiv
Doğuş Otomotiv Corporate Social Responsibility Project
Lamborghini letter of intent
Doğuş Otomotiv acquired %100 of SEAT.
Bentley letter of intent
Volkswagen Marine Engines agreement.
Production agreement with Krone
Porsche dealership contract in Lausenne
Lamborghini distributorship agreement
Opening of OtoMotion
Oto-Fix Exspres Servİce established.
Meiller distributorship and coproduction agreement.
Krone-Doğuş coproduction agreement
Bugatti letter of intent
LeasePlan partnership for fleet services.
Thermo King distributorships agreement.
Krone Doğuş Trailer Plant groundbreaking ceronomy
Opening Meiller Doğuş Damper Plant
Thermo King letter of intent
Opening of Porsche Lausanne
Publishing Sustainability Report
Gobal Compact Agreement
12.6% Market Share
Corporate Rating Points (7.80 points)
Doğuş Bilgi İşlem ve Teknoloji AS established
Market Share 15,4%
The title of the Company with the highest increase in Corporate Governance Rating (8.63 point)
Opening Krone Doğuş Treyler Plant
Offering financial services in the heavy commercial vehicle sector, Scania Finans becomes part of Volkswagen Doğuş Finans A.Ş
Corporate Governance Rating rose to 9.25
Maintains leadership in total automotive market throughout the year
Volkswagen Doğuş Finans AS acquired MAN Finansman
Corporate Governance Rating rose to 9.42.
Production partnership and distributorship agreement with Krone came to an end
Meiller production came to an end (though Meiller distributorship continues)
Corporate Governance Rating rose to 9.51.
Meiller distributorship came to an end.
Subsidiaries established in Egypt were liquidated
Corporate Governance Rating Score increased to 9.63
The distributorship agreement with VW AG was renewed for an indefinite period
Porsche and Bentley showrooms of D-Auto Suisse SA in Lausanne, Switzerland were transferred
Corporate Governance Rating Score increased to 9.64
25th anniversary celebration
Corporate Governance Rating Score increased to 9.65
The Environmental Management System ISO 14001 was formed,
Corporate Governance Rating Score increased to 9.67