Summary of Financial Indicators

Summary of Financial Indicators


Doğuş Otomotiv financial highlights as of 31.12.2023 are as below;


Leadership in import market 

Distributorship of the world's prestigious 13 international brands and its 14 affiliated product groups 

138,303 vehicles sold (Wholesale, excl. ŠKODA) 

18,229 second hand cars sold 

More than 2,000 employees 


Financials (CMB)

Revenue 149,245 million TRY

Gross Profit 31,130 million TRY

EBIT 26,631 million TRY

EBITDA 27,847 million TRY

Net Profit 19,762 million TRY

Total Assets 67.867 million TRY

Gross Profit Margin of 21.5%

OpEx/Sales 3.7%

EBIT Margin 17.8%

EBITDA Margin 18.7%

Net Margin 13.2%