Following the first material focus study in 2009, Doğuş Otomotiv continued to report its performance in these areas until 2017. Over the years, stakeholder expectations have evolved significantly while the GRI Global Reporting Standard, which is used as the reporting standard, has been improved and renewed three times. Meanwhile, Doğuş Otomotiv Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee was officially formed and disclosed to the public. Reporting of sustainability-related issues to the Board of Directors began within the organization as various laws and regulations in Turkey continued to change. Given all these developments, new material aspects that match Doğuş Otomotiv’s 2025 targets have been identified in a series of activities in December 2017. The 2018 Corporate Sustainability Report is the first report to cover these areas.
The following approaches and analysis methods have been applied in identifying Doğuş Otomotiv’s impact and material focus:
Industry analyses, global changes, laws and regulations, results of surveys held regularly by our brands and departments to inquire about stakeholder opinions, organizational principles and objectives, departments’ strategies and targets as well as all Doğuş Otomotiv 2025 strategies have been considered to determine key areas and topics. These topics have been evaluated in line with economic, environmental and social impact.
Aspects, which the GRI Standards, used as the reporting standard, have updated and highlighted particularly under the impact assessment and materiality principle topics have been considered and included in the report after seeking advice from experts.
A Materiality Workshop, moderated by independent experts, was held on December 27, 2017 with the participation of Doğuş Otomotiv’s senior management, managers of all operational departments and representatives of affiliates. During the workshop, all available data, social, environmental and economic impact analyses and stakeholder expectations were evaluated using AA1000SES methodology, and risks and opportunities were reviewed in line with the Company’s material strategic objectives.
In impact assessment, each stage of the Company’s lifecycle was reviewed and all indicators of GRI Standards were reviewed individually and discussed among participants.
The results of the workshop were analyzed and reported by an independent firm and duly approved first by the Sustainability Council, then by the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee and ultimately by the Board of Directors.
In the process of identifying material topics, which are determined systematically, the results of the 2025 sustainability strategy of Volkswagen AG, a key stakeholder of Doğuş Otomotiv, were also evaluated, and their relevany was assessed in terms of risks and opportunities.