General Assembly Voting

General Assembly Voting Process and Procedure

(1) Before starting the voting, the chairman of the meeting briefs the general assembly about the subject to be voted on. If a draft resolution is to be voted on, the voting begins after this decision is recorded in writing and read out. After it has been announced that the voting will take place, permission to speak can be had only about the procedure. Meanwhile, if there is a shareholder who has not been allowed to speak despite his/her request, he/she uses his/her right to speak, provided that he/she asks for permission to speak and this is confirmed by the chairman. Once the voting begins, speaking is not permitted.

(2) Votes regarding the issues discussed at the meeting are cast by raising hands or standing up, or by counting the “ayes” or “noes” separately. The votes are counted by the meeting chairmanship. When necessary, the Presidency may appoint a sufficient number of persons to assist in the counting of votes. Those who do not raise their hands, do not stand up, or do not make any declarations are deemed to have voted "no" and these votes are considered to have been cast against the relevant decision during the vote aggregation process.

(3) Pursuant to Article 1527 of the Law, the procedures and principles set forth in the aforementioned article and sub-regulations are applied regarding the voting by the shareholders or their representatives who attend the general assembly electronically.

(4) Cumulative vote method is not applied.

Amendment of the Articles of Association and Distribution

The General Meeting of Shareholders may pass a resolution, proposed by the Executive Board, and approved by the Supervisory Board, to amend the Articles of Association, with an absolute majority of the votes cast.


Majority Voting

Section 9 of the Company’s By-laws provides that each Director in an uncontested election shall be elected by the vote of the majority of votes cast at any meeting for the election of Directors.